
Western Ukraine

In 2015 a new partnership opened with Middle Eastern conflict refugees in Kiev, Ukraine. Our partner has people operating in 10 Middle Eastern and Central Asian nations providing relief to persecuted Christians. This organization is partnering with iBAM to bring economic opportunity to believers throughout the Middle East. Without this partnership iBAM could not reach many of these nations given the security challenges.

In 2012 the leadership of iBAM, in partnership with missionaries from a U.S.-based mission agency, helped launch a handbag manufacturing business in Jordan. This company employs approximately 10 Palestinian refugee camp women who have a job for the first time in their lives. Over the past three years M, a former Muslim believer, has overseen the operation leading two of the women to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. M is a gifted businessman who will also lead iBAM’s export business in his region. This success story has proven what we at iBAM believe, that business is indeed a powerful tool to relieve human suffering and provide opportunity for a positive future where the message of Jesus Christ can be shared and modeled.

Please visit www.tenthirtythree.com and consider purchasing bags and supporting this important Gospel work in the Middle East.

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