Answer God’s Call to Get Involved in Church Planting through Business as Mission

5 Ways to Be Part of this International Disciple-Making Movement

Everyone has a part to play in the spreading of God’s Kingdom.

If the heart of our ministry beats alongside yours and you want to get involved with church planting that uses business as mission, look below and see what you can do, starting today.

Then, think about what you might be able to do a year from now, or five or ten years from now, and start working toward that goal. Also, think about other people in your life who might want to be part of this movement, and tell them about it. God has something for everyone to do!

Become a Field Trainer

Have you ever owned and operated a successful business? Have you had a pivotal role as an employee, or been in a leadership position in a business? Have you ever taught business principles?

If you’re looking for a way to directly merge your faith with your vocation, you might want to become a field trainer. This is a volunteer position in which you would be trained to go to another country and teach the iBAM curriculum to local Christian entrepreneurs.

You will help turn their business ideas into reality and then get to watch as those business owners become cornerstones in new or existing church plants and spread the disciple-making movement!

Field trainers can be from a church or from one of our Alliance Partners.

Join the iBAM Prayer Team

Nothing in God’s Kingdom happens without prayer. We need people of faith who will commit to praying regularly for our entrepreneurs, partners, teams, the nations we are working in, and the churches and businesses God is launching and growing through iBAM.

Become a Missionary Investor

iBAM’s missionaries move their families to new countries and help build the infrastructure required to train and fund new businesses as part of new local church movements.

As a missionary investor, you are making it possible for that family to go to the nation God calls them to and work for his Kingdom.

Become a Funding Donor – One Seed, Many Trees

New businesses in other nations funded through iBAM are given loans as seed money. You can donate money that will fund these businesses and enable them to launch, grow, and thrive. Then, when one business owner becomes a strong and stable part of a local church and is able to pay back the loan, that money gets re-seeded into another new business, and the cycle repeats.

So you give once, and your money will eventually help fund multiple disciple-making businesses!

Also, the business owners we work with commit to donating a portion of their profits to help their local church. As a funding donor, your gift is a seed, and it can grow into multiple trees, all producing fruit at the same time.

If you want the absolute greatest impact, then join the 30/60/100 Squad – an ‘elite’ group of believers committed to producing the fruit Jesus speaks of in the parable of the sower. Want to see your gift multiply by 30, 60, or 100 times every month? Then join the 30/60/100 Squad as a monthly funding donor!

Join the iBAM Newsletter List

If you want to learn more about what iBAM does and hear some of the stories of how business owners are spearheading new church plants and disciple-making movements, then jump on our email list.

Copyright 2022, iBAM