by J.S. | VP Global Operations | Jul 8, 2018

When iBAM came to Daniel’s church in 2016 to share their work with the congregation, Daniel was impressed with the stories of business as mission around the world, but he sensed a missing link. Thanks to his passion for improving processes, iBAM gained a knowledgeable disciple and defined the foundation on which Kingdom business is built. Here Daniel shares his role in building that foundation.

When iBAM came to my church, Sam and the presenters had great stories to tell about the work they were doing, but it was hard to get a feeling about what kind of impact they were having and what was contributing to their success. Coming from the business world and a faith-based perspective, I knew the importance of being accountable, just as Jesus is accountable to his father. People need information to determine answers to questions such as “Is this organization successful?” If there are no displayed results, we can’t answer that.

So I suggested to Sam that this was an area I could help with. I’d recently broken my leg, so I was in need of something to do while I was healing. I put a presentation together and then spent six weeks with members of iBAM to define what our pillars for success would be. I immediately sensed a lot of passion and desire to collaborate from the team. Everybody agreed that this was the right thing to do.

We honed in on what iBAM was doing well and what was making its students successful. People had a lot of experience in the process, and it made it easy for me to play the role of the facilitator. Based on the foundations of spiritual alignment, Jesus as the cornerstone, and the financial strength of the organization, we defined the pillars that hold up business success, and ultimately, Kingdom business. The House of iBAM was built, and it provided a foundation for what’s required for any business as mission to get started.

It’s wonderful to see how God coordinates people, timing, and backgrounds to make a positive impact. This spring, I taught in Ukraine, and I saw how, even miles away from home, Christians everywhere have common interactions with Jesus. It always seems amazing that we’re so different, but we have a shared core that ties us together.

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